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cleanse with leah


purification cleanse


  • Fatigue/Insomnia

  • Weight Gain

  • Hormone Imbalance

  • Brain Fog

  • Joint or Muscle Pain

  • Sinus Issues

  • Low Libido

  • Bloating
  • Gastrointestinal Issues

  • Skin Issues - Eczema, Acne, Dark Circles (under the eyes)

  • Water Retention

This program is a 21-day journey designed to rebuild your body from the inside out. This structured plan focuses on purifying, nourishing, and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. By incorporating Standard Process supplements, the program provides essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from whole foods to support key organ systems. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, it can also help maintain a balanced weight. Once the program ends, it’s not the finish line—it’s the start of a revitalized way of living.


Key Benefits:


This cleanse supports the body's natural detoxification process by stimulating key organs such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines. By aiding these organs, it helps reduce the body's toxic load, allowing more energy to be focused on purification.

Benefits of toxin removal may include:


- Increased energy


- Improved digestion


- Reduced cravings


Weight loss


- Clearer skin


- Sharper mental clarity


- Healthier hair


- Better sleep





- Personalized consultation with Leah, including a symptom survey questionnaire

- Daily email inspirations, recipes, and support.

- Unlimited text support

- 3 weekly educational ZOOM meetings

- Private Cleanse Facebook Group



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